The following is a statement from Neptune City Council President Pamela Renee regarding the scam recall petition by the Brown-Wardell Political Organization:
“Unfortunately, when politicians have been in office for a long time, they will do everything they can to hold onto power. A petition organized by Mayor Brown and Councilman Wardell’s political organization to try to recall me is disrespectful to every resident in Neptune City who has continually voted for change year after year. Their political machine is breaking, as they have lost repeated elections year after year, losing their majority for the first time in decades. So what they do now? Play political games at the expense of taxpayers. Anyone can take out a recall petition on anyone else, for any reason, true or false – and this is a blatant distraction of the Brown-Wardell organization’s record of high taxes and gross mismanagement. I am running for Mayor of Neptune City this November and I know that residents of Neptune City will join me in rejecting the petty political games of this political machine desperate in trying to keep a grip.”