I wish to address the false statements claimed in a letter to the editor recently submitted by Councilman and Mayoral Candidate Andrew Wardell to The Coaster and spread by his followers on social media.
In his letter, Mr. Wardell raised his objection to a recently approved resolution to have our Borough planner implement a study of properties in Neptune City that are vacant or in disrepair. He begins by stating that “instead of allowing all members to digest the topics and answer concerns, she (Council President Pamela Renee) forced an immediate vote which passed without dissent from her party members.”
Mr. Wardell has attended several committee meetings about this plan over the past eight months, yet he asks why it is being “rushed through.” He conveniently leaves out the fact that this subject has been discussed by the council, with him, for several months – including a full presentation from the planner at a Council Meeting in August. I should add that the presentation was very well-received by all members of the public in attendance.
Next, Mr. Wardell claims that all residents should be “alarmed” because “every property in town will be zoned for rehabilitation.” This is pure fear-mongering, as the plan calls for the entire town to be evaluated and suggestions made for SPECIFIC areas that could use rehabilitation. There are strict guidelines for what properties fall into the above criteria, which he knows because he attended several committee meetings covering the plan, as well as the aforementioned presentation. He then claims that the total cost will be $40,000 or more for the project. Again, incorrect, as $18,000 is the maximum amount approved for the study, and the Borough will be looking for any potential developers to reimburse some or all of the cost – once again, discussed in the presentation that he attended.
Lastly, he brings up his go-to boogeyman, eminent domain. In every committee meeting Mr. Wardell attended, it was stressed that eminent domain WILL NOT be entertained by the governing body. In the resolution that was approved, it clearly states that eminent domain is not even legal for this process. As our Borough Attorney explained to him, eminent domain is a 5th Amendment right that can be exercised at any time by a governmental agency – with or without this resolution.
Mr. Wardell clearly knows what this plan is about and is misleading the public because he does not want Council President Renee, or the new Councilmembers, to succeed on behalf of Neptune City. To do so would be detrimental to his party and harm his chances of becoming Mayor. He was the sole vote of “NO,” as he has been with almost every major motion put forth since the new Council was seated on January 1st. This is clearly a partisan tactic that is intended to stop progress in our town – party before community.
The intention of the rehabilitation plan is to address decades of neglect and denial by the Borough for the past 40 years. Our Jersey Shore area is changing, we must look to position ourselves for the best possible future. However, it is clear to me that Mr. Wardell and his party are more concerned with causing drama, misleading the public and misrepresenting what the Democrats ARE getting done to improve Neptune City, rather than coming up with ideas to improve things themselves.
Councilman Glen Kocsis
Borough of Neptune City